Contact LeKo Expeditie

LeKo Expeditie B.V.
Schermerweg 29A
1821 BE Alkmaar

What are our opening hours?

WWe are open Monday to Friday from 8 am until 5 pm. You can reach us by phone on 0031 72 5404108 or via e-mail.

Where can I ask questions, leave a suggestion or make a complaint?

Send your questions, suggestions or complaints mentioning your reference/customer number through e-mail to our customer service. You will receive a response within five business days.

LeKo Expeditie cannot be held responsible for wear and tear of used goods. We check the goods for damages upon collection. However, the functioning of goods is not checked.

Customer service
0031 725 404 108
You can reach us until 5 PM
Opening hours
Questions & answers
Experience our high quality service!